New Challenge.. CXWORX

wpid-wp-1432953438652.jpegTomorrow begins my training weekend for my Les Mills CXWORX certification. I’m going into it knowing I prepared the best I can but I’m not perfect. This weekend is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person and instructor. Not that I’m not nervous, I am. Very. But after being away from home for 48 hours, I came home and loved my kids and my dog, Daisy, got the advice I was looking for from my training guru, so all is good. Hopefully I’ll sleep🌒 and kick some CXWORX ass tomorrow♋☺

Training favorite day

IMG_1941The hour a week that I work with my trainer, Cesar, is by far the best hour of my week.  I started training with him over a year and a half ago and wouldn’t give it up for anything. Its crazy how one person can impact your life in such a profound way.  Because he saw some shred of something in me, I have accomplished things I never thought I was capable ..a half marathon, numerous Spartan races, and my Body Pump certification. This weekend its my CXWORX training weekend. He is the reason I wanted to teach pump. I want to be able to help someone else see how strong they are. Strength isn’t just physical but it’s mental and emotional as well and the confidence you gain as you feel yourself grow stronger carries over to all the other aspects of your life. Once I started to feel stronger about myself, I was was finally ready to make the changes in my life I needed to in order to be happy. Through him I found a passion for fitness which caries over to all the other areas of my life..teaching Social Studies to 8th graders, parenting my two awesome children and caring for my parents. So tonight I worked on my core and conquered the Bosu and had a blast while doing it. I look forward to every session. None are easy and some days I feel frustrated by my inability to achieve success at the level I want. But each one brings me that much closer to becoming the strongest version of myself.

Letting go…breathe

Subbed for Body Pump tonight after practings CXWORX tracks. Finding my own voice as I coach more and more each time. Took GRIT cardio for the first time in about 2 months. Kicked my ass but in a good way. Feels awesome to push beyond limits. Makes me feel truly alive and when surrounded by someone’s impending death makes me crave feeling even more. Crazy long day..crazy long week and its only Tuesday. Tomorrow the same..list of things to do and NJ ASK testing so need to be at school early. Well early for me..🌞 But its also training day…the hour I look forward to all week.. My favorite hour. Then getting ready for overnight class trip to Hershey Park with 700+ 8th graders, home Friday night and then CX training bright and early Saturday morning. So trying to let go of self doubt and insecurity, and trying to breathe in calm soothing thoughts.FB_IMG_1432690431682

Perfect practice makes perfect…not there yet

So this work in progress spents hours practicing tracks 1&3 for my CXWORX training weekend. Finally found tempo to track three. Its an instrumental song and I am not musical in the least so that is challenging. Incase this all sounds trivial…I moved back in with my mom and step dad when I finally had enough of my 23 year marriage. My step dad is under palative hospice care and my mom is understandably a mess most days, yet she welcomed me and her 2 grandchildren. The fitness thing became my savior as I finalized my divorce, sold my house and changed my 16 year old’s school in the last few months. As I refocused on my fitness 15 months ago, I never imagined where it would lead me. As I grew physically stronger, so did I mentally and emotionally. So much so that I had the courage to end a marriage I had been unhappy in for so long. Then came the first tattoo…Breathe. so I do..deeply, every day. Some days I cry..but everyday I work out and feel good about that. So today I practiced two tracks for hours in the hope that I can someday encourage someone else to find their strength too. Not perfect yet…still a work in progress🌞♋IMG_2050

Year of Change

This blog is about new beginnings…I began this journey about 15 months ago. A series of events caused me to assess my life and choices. Some might call it a mid life crisis but I call it claiming my life and realizing that nothing in my life would change unless I did. During this time I lost 25lbs, embraced a world of fitness which includes getting certified as a Les Mills Body Pump instructor, and decided to become the strongest version of myself physically, emotionally and spiritually. None of this comes easily. I work hard and am constantly plagued by self doubt and insecurity. My next challenge it to become certified Les Mills CXWORX instructor.785cd14dce23b2b38dac60477f7a63fcI have had much help along the way….two loving children, an awesome trainer/friend, and many other supportive friends. Come share this continuing journey with me..for I am a work in progress ….as are we all.

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