Lifting = 😊

TrainingEven when not feeling 100% I’d rather be training than anything else. The feel of a heavy bar in my hands has a chemical and endorphin rush I focus on the movement, direction of bar and execution. Of course I need to be reminded, cued and shown visually many times but finally all the pieces penetrate my thick skull and I execute. 

I know it sounds crazy to anyone who doesn’t love lifting, the calluses on my hands, bruises on my shins, the day after DOMS.. These are all badges of honor to someone who lifts. Evidence of hard work, preserence and accomplishment. 

Lifting fine and chili made. Tomorrow launch at RWJ. Yes, don’t mind waking up early on a Sat to do what I love. 

Breathe in Breathe Out

Too Good Not to Post  Dose Karma exist? Don’t know, I know my understanding of it isn’t a pure definition. Purely it means living with Intension and sending it out to the universe. I hold it more to mean what goes around comes around and you reap what you sow. Either way, one gains more by taking the upper road, sending out positive energy and just doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. 
But in my defense .. Lol, that moon.. The pull on the tides, the effects on humans .. Can be blamed for so many things 🌖🌖

Living an Adventrrous Life.. 

It’s All Relative  Facing change and possibly having to go it in my own feels both scary and lonely, but also exhilarating. And scary. I was fortunate to be given an incredible pair of wings. Guess it’s time to truely try to fly on my own. To trust what they are capable of, to allow them to sustain me .. To trust myself. To know I am enough. Just me me, who I am . 
I hate change both good and bad. The unknown frightens me more but in order to grow I need to get past that. Be comfortable being uncomfortable.. lol 

Looking forward to chili cook off lol. So damn competitive😁😁. Also looking forward to launch at RWJ Sat. Presenting 2 Cx tracks which is scary and cool. Cx AIM 1 the following Sunday. Both give me reason to focus and motivation to succeed. Then my new GRIT Strength class on Wednesdsy night. Still working on firming  up Tues night Pump/GRIT in Scotch Plains. 

Be curious. Be adventerous. Be you. Trust yourself for you almond are enough. 

Restless and Searching 

 Homesick Such a perfect pin. This is me everyday. Searching, working, training, loving and never quite there … At the place I feel whole, complete, understood and loved. 
Shoveled snow for over 4 hours so physically exhausted. Still no voice  either so not feeling guilty about lounging tonight. No school tomorrow so plan is to finish rest of anatomy chapter and to get to gym early to practice GRIT cardio and strength. Although hoping to hear from  GM from RWJ Scotch Plains about Tuesday class. 

Made vacation plans for the summer. Nothing too grand; a couple of 2 day trips and a 4 day trip to Florida to go to friend’s wedding and maybe see my dad. The short trips are purely girl outings,  the Florida one the kids coming with and I’m excited about it. Have fun things planned and it’s been a while since we did something fun. Just may need some Zoloft to get on the plane. 😁😁

Blizzard 2016

Blizzard Jonas   

  First storm of the season and it’s a doozy. Getting over 2ft of snow after a December of above average temps. 

It happens to coincide with fact that I’m sick .. Laryngitis.. Virus.. Have gone 2 days without working out and tomorrow the same although shoveling 3 feet of snow may constitute a work out. For once didn’t feel trapped and confined. Did use my time to read and study and to watch grit master classes and take notes. 

Enjoyed time with my kids and resting my body. Know the later will make me stronger in the end the former just brings my heart joy.   

  Love.. Of every kind.. Makes the world go round. 

Still Creating my Masterpiece 

Growing Pains  Yhis is the first time in about a decade that I’m looking forward to a blizzard. I hate snow and cold. Nothing about it i like. Except today I have laryngitis; total loss of my voice because I really don’t talk that much. Only to certain people. 
Was suppose to launch tomorrow ar Eclipse but snow has already started. Good thing because I can’t talk l. Again very ironic. 

Feel asleep hours ago but woke up and saw the snow. Let the dogs out and waiting for sleep to envelop me again. Look forward to a guilt free weekend of rest, sleep and recovery. For me that means learning f 2 GRAuSt formats and learning the muscle, joint and range of movement planes. 

Growing, learning.. That is living. I am a very incomplete masterpiece.  But I continue to struggle, learn, and love unabashedly. 

Dreams, Goals and Then Some

 Today’s Another Day The ripple effects of change. One person’s decisions have the power to affect so many others. Gained one class for sure in February; Grit Strength on Wednesday night and possibly another on Tuesdays. Tuesday is just a maybe but will take opportunity if offered. 
Everyday is a new day.. One step closer. 

Adjusting My Focus

The Choices We Make  Trusting my gut. I chose to hide my dating profile. Realized it is not me. Something that makes me so uncomfortable and feels so wrong is not right for me. Not how I want to find a meaningful relationship. 

Every time I feel like I’m getting a handle on myself something sends me reeling. My rock and mentor decided to be grown up and be responsible and get a full time gig. Genuinely happy for him. Glad he realizes that teaching as much as he does is  taking a toll on his body and know that money and benefits are important but doubt he will be happy. He will be great at it but his true talent is training and teaching; but a responsible career move on his part and not permanent. I have learned nothing in life is permenant. I did chose to reach out to poach his classes lol. Should be able to get Tuesday Grit and Cx but really want Monday Pump because that is my love and what I do best.  

 So I am going to focus on what I know makes me happy; Instructing and training.

Being true to myself. Yes, I believe in taking risks and going outside comfort zone. I do it everyday on the gym floor and have achieved things I never imagined, but I know that when doing so, yes, it may be scary but it should be exhilarating scary, maybe makes you want to throw up but in the end something you look forward to not something you regret. 

My Choices. 

Final Destination??


Thursday has become my marathon day. 6am CXWORX, school, Pump and more CX. So excited that my 6 am CX crew returned.  Have to admit I was nervous, at 5:55 there was no one but by 6am there were 8 people which I think is pretty good for such an early time. It went really well. Made it to school on time and had kids working on assignment. Caught up on grading and coping next week’s  activities. Just need to type up lesson plans. Afternoon CX is CX 21. Hormonal overload and too much caffeine made it difficult to articulate coaching even though I knew chorero. Teamed for Pump before CXWORX. Crew doing biggest loser is attending class so really focusing on form because it is new to them.  Got t hough all CX tracks so I fáwwwww2eel confident. Sunday be will be better. There is never a time for average!!

An intrinsic part of my personality is my aversion to any kind of change. So already in a panic about C’s new full time gig. He is my drug and the thought of not being able to train with him on consistent basis sent me on a spin. Of course I’m projecting all of this because I know he likes training me and our time together; at worst we will train at a different time and place.  This is about him securing his future and really this isn’t about me nighttime might not be affected  and I could also gain some of classes he has to give up because of hours. I hate CHANGE!! But it is also good; he is trying to secure his future and I am trying to enrich mine. Also knows we will alwaysyu have a place in each other’s lives.

This weekend will be focused o GRIT and reading my CPT text because there is just no time for average!!


My Other Happy Place  
 The beach. Any beach🌴🌴 

So today was a let down in terms of coaching. Really knew Grit choreo but my stupid iPod keeps shuffling my music. Was ok for first 3 tracks but wrong music for track 5. Improvised best I could. Repeated same music for tabata track which was what the music was for. Also realalize I need more practice with it. Not really an ephifany, common sense dictates that, but I only know one release so far. 

Cx was better but I felt rushed. Definitely not as comfortable as I was with pump last night. Not going to beat myself up. Taking note of what I need to improve and moving on.

Before class I did shoulder and back work. Created my own circuits; dumbbell rows, kettle bell swings, bosu squat side lunges. Then did deadlifts and hang cleans- lighter weight more reps. 

Was greeted at home by my PCT texts. So overwhelmed, but taking baby steps. 

Lastly, well really first thing I did today, was book flights for kids for August Florida trip. Can’t leave them out of my Florida adventure because I’m so happy that they actually want to spend time with me. Yes, sand, the Gulf and a nice resort doesn’t hurt😁.