Family. What does it really mean? I have put myself on hold this summer to take care of my mom and stepdad. I do it wholeheartedly. If not for them I would not be able to finally do the things I need to do to become stronger and healthier. Sometimes so painful  to see what becomes of you in your final stages and I question if I would want to live that way. Which in part makes me so determined to live everyday to its fullest. To enjoy my morning coffee outside, to belly laugh at my dog’s silly antics, to train hard and embrace that feeling when my heart wants to explode from my chest when training or taking GRIT.
So what is family? For me it first and foremost is my children. Could not ever image life without them. My love for them knows no limits and there is nothing I would not do for them. I relish in their accomplishments and want to kill for them when they are pained. Nothing, no one, has ever brought me greater joy or love. I was meant to be a mom. Their mom. And although I could no longer live with their father, I will always be grateful for the two bright, loving, beautiful children we created.

But family is more than biological. It is the best friend you have had for over 20 years. Their problems  and fight is your pain and your fight. I live and hope to empower her!

It is the friend you teach with that makes everyday in the classroom a joy. Knowing that your chemistry keeps students engaged and encourages them to learn. A frienship that makes you want you to go to work because you know that you will laugh everyday and that she will have your back the days you just don’t have it in you.

Family is also the people you meet along the way who push you to become the strongest version of yourself. To become more than you you ever thought you could be. People who ignite a passion inside you. People who know what you need at that exact moment you want to surrender and encourage you to fight.. 

Family comes in many forms. Mine consists of parents who need my assistance, children who need my guidance and support, and friends.. Beautiful, loving friends who empower me, love me, support me to become the strongest version of myself. 

So even in these dark days where I watch the life ebb out of my stepdad, I chose to live life on my terms. To get up and embrace the day. To train hard for myself and to become an example to others. Watching someone fight so hard to live when there body is failing   

 them, has made me determined me to fight everyday to enjoy small pleasures and to find beauty and joy in the smallest thing. 

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