A very up and down day. Found out indirectly that one of my classess cancelled. More upset about how I found than losing the class. Not going to lie, it hurt. Always feels like a rejection of me. Goes with what I said in last post about not being enough.  But I get it. It’s about numbers. 
Then I learned entire GRIT Plyo release to help out a friend. This whole GRIT thing is s whirl wind. Swore I would never attemp it. Some days I barely make it through class. Yet tonight I coached it. Overall not horrible. I remembered most of it. Warmup actually the most difficult because so many transitions. I know my form on some of moves needs improvement.  But I got through it. Truly effort over perfection! 

Fought my fear and myself, always my worst enemy and critic. I knew I was ok once I got through warmup. Did have brain freeze at one point but persevered. Helped tremendously that regulars know me and were very kind. I did floor coach and provide options.  Really not bad for going solo and 48 hours of cramming. 

I was far, far from perfect. But I went in with a pure heart. Put aside my hurt feelings and got my head in the right space. Yes, it is about the effort. I gave it 100%.  I will accomplish my goal and will readily accept whatever opportunity comes my way. Always me vs. me. 

I have transformed and changed. I willingly go way outside my comfort zone. I learned that I perform best when I don’t think too much and just do. After a LOT of preparation. I have transformed physically and mentally. I have changed. Now I have to learn to not let others take advantage of my need to feel needed and help those I care about. I accept opportunities and challenges because they make me stronger, better, more competent at what I strive to do. 


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